Thursday, July 4, 2024


 If the majority of Americans are suicidal enough to vote for Trump, this will be our last Fourth of July.  Starting in 2025 there will be no freedom to celebrate, no liberty worth fireworks and barbecues. All your past festivities will be vanishing memories. Don't bother turn on the television. There won't be any patriotic concert at the Capitol, any repeats of old sitcoms with an Independence Day theme. If you live near a hill, don't go there for a fireworks display. It will be dark and empty and possibly dangerous, as will most places be. Replacing American flags will be posters of a smugly smiling Donald Trump, some possibly with his equally cruel minions. There will be fewer planes since people can't travel as freely. But there will be more ruins as  autocracies have no skill or interest in restoring homes destroyed by the increasing tornados and storms from unchecked climate warming. On the Fourth you won't hear anyone singing new unapproved songs or old favorites like "America the Beautiful"  which is considered treasonous. You also won't hear many foreign languages as most of those speaking them have been deported or subject to some other kind of disappearance. Most of our entertainers, liberals, will be living in other countries. You will be living in an autocracy, a dictatorship. If you voted for Trump, you will constantly rue your decision unless you are a sadist who has found favor with a ruling party. If you did not vote for Trump, "they" will know and you will live in fear and nostalgia. And on this anniversary you may go to bed in this dystopia with memories of being on a hillside with thousand of happy people watching a sky full of pyrotechnics and listening to. wonderful songs completely new and wonderfully old. 

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