Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Since  the treasonous Supreme Court has  rimmed Donald Trump into a state of zero-responsibility ecstasy, the same insane rulings must apply to President Biden? Doesn't that mean that as an official act he can arrange to have Donald Trump assassinated since he is a grave danger to the future of the United States, and suffer no recourse?  Now we know that this kind of action is an anathema to a man of integrity like Biden, but might he consider it knowing it will save us all (even Trump supporters) from a future of fear, deprivation, injustice and insane autocracy should America be suicidal enough to elect Trump?  I mean his order could be carried out quickly and just as quickly our nation would return to the democracy the founding fathers had in mind, since the cultist GOP would have no tub of lard to worship. Now assuming that Biden finds this solution too disagreeable is there any way he can punish the traitorous turncoat Republicans on the Supreme Court so that their reign of terror can be stopped?

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