Saturday, July 6, 2024


I don't see the problem.  If Joe  Biden pulls out of the race, Kamala Harris will be the nominee and will choose a new Vice President. If Joe becomes unable to function at any point, Kamala Harris will assume the office and choose a new Vice President. It's the same outcome either way, so what is all that whining about? And, if Joe Biden remains capable and dependable there is no problem.  The only problem is if the majority of Americans, being blind to the future, choose the totally selfish and unhinged Donald Trump to destroy their democracy and ruin their lives. But this has nothing to do with Joe Biden's competency, but with how gullible and self-destructive most voters are for believing for a single moment that Trump has more in store for them than total domination in an irreversible power grab that will bring more frightening problems than they could ever have imagined. 

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