Friday, July 12, 2024


While the Liberal (yes, liberal) media is doing everything to get Trump (yes Trump) elected by ignoring Trump's madness and directing all their criticism to Biden I suspect that Trump himself has lost some of his ambition. Why? For starters he's a crackpot who can't maintain a clear game plan for his desired autocracy. Also I think he's afraid of the Heritage Foundation. They're moving too fast. Taking too much control. And putting him in the awkward position of having to justify the 20/25 project, which he is unable to do. I think he has realized he is just a pawn for them, and that it might be dangerous for him. He's not even sure he can trust his Vice President, which explains the the slow deciding.  Thus he is doing less campaigning, playing more golf, and keeping a low profile. Of course the media will never suggest this possibility as they never question anything Trump does. But I think the old bastard is thinking twice about with whom he is planning to rule the world.

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