Friday, July 12, 2024


Last night, before Joe Biden's press conference, MSNBC read the New York Times 5,000 word attack on Donald Trump. It was an incredibly damning assault on Trump's incompetence and evil, that should it should have been shouted from the housetops. It clearly showed that this gangster is not fit to lead and just how  dangerous he is for our nation. But this morning MSNBC made no mention of this Times article, but continued with their petty coverage of Joe Biden. Just who exactly is the so-called liberal media rooting for? 

“Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency,” the board, made up of 14 Times opinion journalists, wrote. “He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”

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