Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Donald Trump says so many stupid things. Many show what an idiot he is because they are so devoid of reality like suggesting that Meryl Streep isn't that good an actress. How could anyone be so moronic as to make a statement like that about America's most honored and awarded actress? He has made so many petty, spiteful, inaccurate attacks on persons of great value based on his jealousy and monumental inadequacy.  But the dumbest (if that's possible) is how frequently he says that Joe Biden is the worst president in American history. Not one of, but "the worst". First of all Biden will go down in history as one of the very best American presidents, a leader with so many achievements and accomplishments that even a  dunce like Trump must be in secret awe. So what does Trump's insane comment suggest? Sadly it's yet another one of Trump's most common misspeaks and revealing stupidities, yet another projection.This one revealing that Trump realizes that he, not Biden, is the worst president in American history. I wonder how future history books will treat this orange clown.

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