Monday, July 15, 2024


Donald Trump, having no character of his own is a terrible judge of character in others. Consider all his misjudgments, all the bonds he formed with optimism that ended in misunderstandings and anger.  His cabinet appointments, his wives, his employees, his friends, his porno star, his Vice President. Which makes me wonder how wise is his choice of J.D. Vance as his new Vice President. Doesn't Donald wonder why someone who called him a modern day Hitler among a slew of other damning insults is suddenly so flattering? Could he be lying because Donny has something he wants, like power? Trump is so easily conned by flattery, he often forgives major detractors, like Lindsey Graham, if their pledges of adoration are convincing enough. Vance's were. Now Vance has what he wanted. This novice Junior Senator, who is every bit as incompetent as Trump, does equal him in heartless ambition. Critics have called Vance a flame-thrower, an apt appellation. I wonder how long it will take before Trump feels the flames are coming a little too close to his own flammable hair.

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