Thursday, July 4, 2024


Donald Trump, being an idiot, and the American Heritage bullies, being morons are convinced if Trump wins they will take over our country just like that. They vow they will create a new country, one which will deport hundreds of thousands of supposedly-illegal aliens and create all kinds of new rules that a frightening populace will follow. How naive. For starters all the patriotic Americans who voted for Biden will be pissed. And all the new Americans from other countries will be double pissed as well as terrified  by Trump's much publicized threats. Even the Trump fans will quickly realize they made a huge mistake. Since it's not like there will be a cruel, trained, murderous, obedient military on day one, the new regime and their insane autocratic leader will need some preparation time. Now during that time there are 82,800,000 gun-owning Americans who will not happily adapt to this new order, and they are having some very ugly thoughts about who is trying to take away their freedom and democracy. So unless Trump hides his enormously targetable body along with his corrupt comrades, there is going to be a lot of bloody messes at Mara Lago, golf courses and celebratory dining locations. Now I could be totally wrong but as one of my favorite TV characters, Mr. Monk, says, "I don't think so."

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