Friday, July 5, 2024


This has been a terrible year for America: tornados, floods, forest fires, landslides. Hundreds of Americans have lost their homes, much of it due to climate warming, which will only grow worse since Republicans refuse to believe it exists. And who will help to restore the lives of those made homeless or crippled with insurmountable debt? Republicans? Don't count on it. They have done very little in recent years and are unlikely to suddenly develop the kind of caring that has always been inherent in Democrats. Which is why we cannot let Trump win in November. Have you ever seen him perform an act of kindness or do the kind of house-building labor Jimmy Carter was famous for? No. All he cares about is donate, donate, donate. He is a super-lazy narcissist who will never give a (expletive deleted) for you. Republicans are threatening to do away with Social Security and Medicare. How long before they question FEMA and other needed welfare programs?  If you have been a victim of nature's fury, vote blue. If you have been fortunate enough to escape the ravages of our recent mercurial climate vote blue.

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