Sunday, July 14, 2024


This morning's MSNBC coverage of Trump's assassination attempt was very annoying.  First of all they kept referring to him as if he were a normal and undeserving victim. They couldn't imagine what the motive was (how about to prevent thousands of other deaths from 2025?). A Trumpist mayor from a nearby town called the shooter an animal and maniac and an MSNBC reporter echoed that unfounded sentiment. This idiotic mayor also commented that the attendees had only come there for "a message of hope". Since when do these hate-filled rallies offer a message of hope? Later they read a letter supposedly from Melania expressing her distress at the event and her intention to attend the upcoming convention. Not surprisingly the so-called letter was one that sounded nothing like Melania and was obviously written by a minion, possibly Herr Miller. All over America millions are wishing that the shooter (if it wasn't a set-up) were a better shot. Are we supposed to pretend otherwise?

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