Sunday, July 14, 2024


Today I met a person living in the United States from Suriname. He was pleasant enough, about 49, articulate and moderately attractive. While the conversation started out well enough, it was soon obvious that he was a Trumpist and intoxicated with Kool-Aid. He thought things would be better with Trump, who was not a liar, and only planned on deporting criminals. I pointed out that Trump's plans included deportations of innocents as well, and that he wanted to have a white population. This made no impression on my coal-black companion who also insisted that the media is all lies and China is doing much better than the USA in every area. We agreed to disagree and he was sure I would eventually see how swell Trump was, while I was just as confident that if Trump was elected he would soon be be dead or on the next boat to Suriname.

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