Monday, July 15, 2024


What is going on? The majority of Americans and most of the world see Donald Trump for what he is: an evil liar, philander, scam artist, thief and fraud who wants to destroy our democracy in favor of an autocracy solely focused on him? So how is it possible for so many others attribute to him virtues that he has never once displayed, and extend to him a helping hand in his goal to be a cruel dictator and make their own lives miserable? What good can they possibly see in this monster that inspires the Supreme Court to bow to his unlawful and unConstitutional demands and Judge Cannon to show herself as an incompetent toady by dismissing a major claim against him? What makes his unloved sons so defensive of his evil. What is he? An old, fat, flatulent, humorless narcissist, sans kindness, knowledge, wisdom and wit. And yet he has this brain-washed, fact-blind army of lemmings eager to give up their liberty and free speech to fall ignominiously into his uncaring and ruthless control. What false dreams do they have? And how did they get there? There has got to be a major unknown as yet why?

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