Sunday, July 7, 2024


In a previous post "The Final Fourth" I rightly suggested that if Donald Trump becomes president this past  Fourth of July celebration will have been our last. On the other hand if America votes to protect our democracy the next July Fourth will be the most joyous ever. We, the American people, will be celebrating having saved our nation from the autocratic claws of Trump and his Heritage hounds. While we are celebrating our continued freedom in the glow of the most fantastic "Yankee Doodle"  fireworks to ever light up the night sky, Trump, in his prison cell, will still be bitterly licking his wounds making our victory that much sweeter. Everything that would have stopped in a 20/25 dictatorship will be moving forward: the infrastructure, the reversal or anti-abortion laws, the shaming of the traitorous Supreme Court, the retribution of every Republican who tried to steal our freedom, the unbanning of books, the renewed separation of church and state, and the rededication of the poem by Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty. It will be a new age of liberty and democracy, and all it requires from you is one simple essential: Vote Blue. 

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