Thursday, July 25, 2024


I wonder how the six Maga Republicans of the Supreme Court feel now that they have exposed themselves as traitorous and biased bigots. Are they embarrassed by so publicly abandoning their oath of office and kissing Trump's butt for all the world to see? Although we shouldn't be surprised. We knew that Clarence was a sexual predator and his wife an unhinged nutcase.  We knew that Kavanaugh was guilty of his sexual assault and more than likely an alcoholic. As for the four others, they clearly showed signs of religious bigotry and evidenced some parasitic tendencies. So it came as no revelation that they ruled against Roe vs. Wade, blessed Trump with insane immunity, and made several other idiotic majority decisions. It's wonderful to see them so reviled by the press these days and one can only hope that their arrogances and treason are judged even more harshly when Kamala becomes President.


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