Friday, July 26, 2024


Why do police officers across the nation take target practice when most of them can only shoot to kill? Imagine the lives that would have been saved if cops aimed for a leg or arm instead of the head or heart.  In a recent case in Illinois a woman called the police because she thought she had a break-in. During the search this innocent woman, 36-year-old Sonya Massey, removed a pot of boiling water from her stove. For some reason the paranoid deputy, Sean Grayson, assumed she was going to toss it at him. So he shot her in the head. If he had shot her in the arm or hand, she would have dropped the pot, but instead he shot to kill. To kill. This woman was murdered by the very person who was supposed to help her. Incredible. I wonder if this will be another police shooting that ends with a slap on the wrist. 

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