Thursday, July 25, 2024


 Republicans would like Americans to believe that increasingly high prices are a result of inflation. But it isn't always.Very often it's a question of corporate greed. Even President Biden referred to it in his recent speech. Greedy corporations shower enormous salaries on their top execs while paying their workers as little as possible. The leading offenders are oil companies and tech firms like Apple.Today I purchased a piece if thin cord about 2 feet long from Apple. It looked very much like the inexpensive cord we use to recharge our phones.It probably cost less than a nickel to produce, but I had to pay $27.00. Apple constantly revises all its products to make sure they are outdated  so when you need a need module or part (that only they can provide) you are forced to buy the newest, costliest version. The products are great. The executives are pigs.

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