Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Right now Public Radio is discussing Kamala Harris and what she thinks. The narrator has an edge in her voice that suggests she is trying to find fault and is not a Kamala fan.  Maybe not. But I don't understand any of these discussions. The fact is you choose Trump or you choose Harris. And you should choose Harris even if she's wearing a G-string and smoking cigars because she is the only choice you have for a happy future. With Trump you get a totally incompetent moron backed by an evil group of sub-autocrats called the Heritage Foundation holding their satanic book of rules 2025. They will take away your freedoms, you future goals, everything you had a right to in our democracy. And to make it worse, they're not nearly as smart as they think, and will likely plunge America (Trumperica) into depression and lawlessness. So you don't really have a choice in the coming election. It's Kamala or the newest Nazi-like regime. And lucky you, because Kamala is smart, fair, honest, energetic, truthful, and far younger than Trump. And,unlike him, with her what you see is what you get.

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