Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Donald Trump has a dog nipping at his heels. Well it's not a real dog, but it is threatening  and frightening and grows more ferocious every day. Donald doesn't want to kill this dog, but he would like to keep it out of sight until the election. Besides he doesn't own it alone and lots of men, mostly men, feel very protective about keeping it in good health and full of fight. The dog is the 2025 Project a plan for the subjugation of America created by The Heritage Foundation and Trump himself. The problem is that as more and more people realize how draconian it is, it's hurting Trump's chance at reelection. So, being a liar, Trump claims he knows nothing about this evil project, and vows he had nothing to do with its creation. The only problem is that damn thing keeps on barking, snarling, and hissing and making everyone aware that the person most responsible for its savage nature and deadly teeth is Donald Trump.


Just watched Donald Trump being interviewed by Black Jounalists. Interviewed is the wrong word since, being a coward, he doesn't respond like an intelligent man, but steamrolls through the event, insults women, tells endless lies, delivers inaccurate statistics, and when a question is too difficult, he pretends the speakers are weak and he can't hear it. (Shades of his pathetic excuse in years past that he didn't have his glasses.) How can anyone vote for this worthless piece of garbage, this purveyor of false promises, this powered and hairsprayed bitchy old queen. To admire him is to admit your own gullibility, lack of knowledge, and masochistic desire to be somebody's, anybody's, admiring puppet. His defense of J.D. was weak; his tirade about babies being murdered at birth an absurd and long disproven Republican lie; his opinion about the Massey murder totally evasive;  his comparing anything to the January 6 riot reprehensible; and any sympathy expressed for any person at all completely unbelievable. Sadly the audience applauded politely rather than tossing tomatoes or eggs which is what his mendacious shit-show deserves.


 The news this morning focused on Pennsylvania where Trump is planning a rally, mostly in a black and Hispanic community. The report suggested that many residents are still unsure of whom they will vote for, which is insanity. One black woman says she switched from Biden to Trump because of higher prices and actually volunteers in a Trump center. Does this women know anything about 2025? Has she heard any of Trump's racial rants? Her working for Trump is like volunteering to help build the gallows where one will be hanged. If he gets into power, higher prices will be the last thing she'll worry about. Who are these other uncertain voters who can't decide whether to drink  citrus juice or cyanide? The very idea that the news presents these indecisive situations as normal is sickening. Even MSNBC is happy to send America down the garden path if it means increased ratings. They don't seem to understand that if Trump is president, they will be out of jobs. Has everyone gone mad? This isn't a normal race.It shouldn't be a race at all. Trump is a maniac. Why is he being treated like a normal human being? Especially by blacks and Hispanics, the persons he most wants out of his life, out of his range of vision, and out of "his" country.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


All over America there are talented artists, musicians, composers, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, outstanding young people in every creative and scientific field. But they will never be nationally recognized, showered with praise, had their photos on cereal boxes, make headlines, have thousands of fans, or be given huge amounts of money. No, those benefits are reserved for men and women who can kick a ball, sink a basket, run fast, jump high, skate, swim, golf, mountain bike, and perform dozens of physical acts that don't take brains but brawn, don't take talent but practice. Pity there are no Olympics for young people of real talent. There are no all-expense paid trips to Paris for a young person to conduct his symphony, display her amazing balletic grace, or introduce their ground-breaking inventions. Why do I hate sports? Because they suffocate all the real achievements in the world.

The British piano prodigy known as "Little Miss Mozart" composed her first piano sonata at the age of 6.



Right now Public Radio is discussing Kamala Harris and what she thinks. The narrator has an edge in her voice that suggests she is trying to find fault and is not a Kamala fan.  Maybe not. But I don't understand any of these discussions. The fact is you choose Trump or you choose Harris. And you should choose Harris even if she's wearing a G-string and smoking cigars because she is the only choice you have for a happy future. With Trump you get a totally incompetent moron backed by an evil group of sub-autocrats called the Heritage Foundation holding their satanic book of rules 2025. They will take away your freedoms, you future goals, everything you had a right to in our democracy. And to make it worse, they're not nearly as smart as they think, and will likely plunge America (Trumperica) into depression and lawlessness. So you don't really have a choice in the coming election. It's Kamala or the newest Nazi-like regime. And lucky you, because Kamala is smart, fair, honest, energetic, truthful, and far younger than Trump. And,unlike him, with her what you see is what you get.


Last night Rachel Maddow referred to Trump's repeated comment that he doesn't need votes to win. This suggests that either he has storm troopers ready to attack the polls or he thinks God will deliver him to the presidency. Whatever, something is afoot. Is it another of Trump's endless delusions. Or has the Heritage Foundation in their desire for world dominance come up with a cunning plan that cannot fail? Rachel, who was in hysterics about heads in bags, 100-year-old toilet paper, and Trump's ditzy donor was risible for most of the show, but seemed a bit worried about this no-votes plea. Or maybe, knowing Trump, she laughed it off.


I don't think that Trump chose Vance. Based on early pre-convention coverage it seems to me that he was chosen by The Heritage Foundation and, whoa, Donald Trump Jr.  The Heritage Foundation so they would have a mole in the possible administration; Donald Trump Jr. because he is easily flattered and loved being palsy-palsy with J.D. This doesn't mean it wasn't a bad decision by Benedict, just the opposite, in fact. It shows how easily Donald can be manipulated, and how lazy he was not to do his own vetting. It's also another clear indication that he is, unknowingly, a puppet for the Heritage Foundation, who I suspect won't want him around for long if he should win. The fly in the ointment? J.D. is proving to be an impediment.  This is very distressing to Donald and the foundation who can't just dump him and can't seem to shut him up. The Democrats have already labeled Vance as "weird" which is not a vote getter.

Monday, July 29, 2024


 Poor J.D.Vance. He can't seem to crawl out of the hole he dug for himself with Catwomen. Now he calls it sarcasm, which isn't much of an excuse. And when he blathers on and on about childless women, he says they have his sympathy, which only reinforces his idiotic view that they need pity. Trump must be pissed to the max having his VP subject to so much scorn from both parties. He can't dump him without looking like a fool. He can no longer praise him without looking like a fool. What can he do? This will be fun to watch.

Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Having been an award-winning copywriter for 40 years, I feel qualified to comment on today's TV commercials, which are generally rotten. Here are some of my favorite misfires.

Safelite: A woman opens one commercial saying,"When you have a cracked windshield, Safelite makes it easy." What? Makes what easy? A stupid unfinished thought.

Open Door: I have seen their commercial at least six times and still have no idea what they do. This is true of so many commercials.

Coventry: The miners under this elderly woman's house suggest she is sitting on a gold mine. Cashing in a life insurance policy may give you some cash, but hardly as much as having a gold mine. (I miss truth in advertising.)

Liberty Mutual: I detest all their insipid commercials, but the Limo Emu and Doug ones are the worst. What makes this unpleasant character think an emu could slide down a pole after him? Also irritating, the stilts, the baby carriage, and everything else.

Consumer Cellular: What a waste of Ted Danson in these poorly written and dippy commercials. What's worse the golf course or the platform? Hard to say. The non-Danson two cones spot is also poorly conceived.

Stanton: How stupid would this father have to be to think his son could wear and use glasses more than 50 years old and not his prescription?

Jacuzzi: Sadly our language is going to hell with so many people like the actor on this commercial saying, "I wish I would have done it sooner." instead of the correct "I wish I had done it sooner" Illiteracy is rampant in commercials and nobody seems to notice.

Commercials I really like that stand out among the many mediocrities.

FreshPet: I never get tired of seeing these snarky guests tossed out.

Publix Market: The best commercial I've seen in years is this one in which the bride finally acknowledges her stepfather with the words, "Thanks, Dad".

Prevagen: The lying continues apace about the efficacy of this useless placebo. The most offensive spot? The pharmacist who should lose his license.


The ever petulant and mendacious Trump has referred to Kamala Harris as a person of low IQ and a DEI candidate.The IQ comment is obviously a transparent lie since Harris has excelled at every intellectual  challenge in her life. As far as being helped by Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs, who cares? Donald himself only got into Wharton by being sponsored by his brother's referral and his father's wealth. And, as expected, he was an ordinary student. Even today he remains devoid of  a general education, especially in English grammar.

P.S. Trump recently flattered his gullible goons by suggesting that they have high IQs. At another rally he addressed them as "My beautiful Christians" falsely stating that he is a Christian and  promising  if they vote for him they will never have to vote again. How dumb must they be to not see that as a threat rather than a promise?

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't get it. Why does the media keep stating that this is going to be a close race. Why? How can any American, no matter how stupid, vote for a rigid, controlling, autocracy ruled by an elderly and ruthless nutcase, as opposed to the freedom of a democracy they have always experienced governed by their own choices of knowledgeable leaders? A close race? No! I admit there are ignorant, gullible cultists who haven't a clue what 2025 means. But not enough to make it a close race. I have to assume this is a media ploy designed to keep up circulation and viewership. Shame on them.


Have you ever met a Christian who constantly lies? Who never goes to church? Who can't quote a single Biblical passage? Who has been married three times and cheated on all his wives? Who was close friends with a pedophile? Who is a convicted felon on 34 counts? Who created a scam college? Who betrayed his country to ally with the world's most powerful dictator and atheist? Who lied to get out of serving his country? Who buried the mother of three of his children on a golf course to make a profit? Who expressed sexual desire for his daughter? Who had more than one mistress? Who put young children in cages and separated them from their parents? Who cheated hundreds of tradesmen? Who has no love, regard, or respect for anyone but himself? Yes, you have. That describes Donald Trump, the satanic nominee for president who as I write this has been on television falsely claiming he is a Christian and pleading with actual Christians to vote for him, promising they will never have to vote again. Why? Because, if elected, he will be as much a tyrannical authoritarian as Herod Antipas, King Ramses II, or any other of the cruel rulers in the Bible that Trump never heard of because he is not a Christian and never was.

Friday, July 26, 2024


Several unnamed Republicans are saying that if Trump loses this election, it's because of his choice of J.D. Vance, Are they mad? If he  loses it's because of 2025. Even Trump's most supportive cultists do not want to lose their welfare checks, Social Security, or Medicare benefits. These old codgers don't like being pushed around, and some of them can actually read (not 900 pages but enough to get the gist of 2025).  So while it's fun to cheer Trump's insane speeches and wear idiotic hats and tee-shirts, they know it won't be fun to beg their children to take them in once they're destitute. And how will they survive without being able to watch FOX TV? 


The most fun of this election season is about to begin. And it has nothing to do with Democrats.Here's what's happening, Trump is taking a lot of flack for his choice of J.D.Vance as his running mate. He knows he didn't do a good job at vetting or any at all. He's embarrassed, a feeling he can't deal with. Anytime he hears the word "cat ladies" or "couch" he's furious. Add to that he's beginning to suspect that J.D. still thinks of him as a Modern-Day Hitler,but since Vance wants to be Himmler, so what? Anyway these ill feelings are building and overly sensitive Trump will soon express his fury and J.D. will spit back and soon you'll have a spat unlike any that a cat lady ever saw between her feuding pussies,

Ben Carson told Tucker Carlson that black voters would not support 2024 Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris so easily in an interview released Thursday.

I see that Ben Carson, ever loyal to rapist and felon Donald Trump and eager to do his bidding, is suggesting that black voters will not vote for freedom, democracy and opportunity. Apparently he assumes that black voters are as blind and gullible as he is  Does he think they will rush headlong into the new segregation of 2025? Does he imagine that they will forfeit all the impressive progress they have achieved to return to a racist and repressive regime? And does he really believe that black voters will turn their backs on the incredible opportunity to prove equality by electing a brilliant black women to this preeminent position for all the world to see?  Keep drinking that Kool-Aid, Benny. 


Why do police officers across the nation take target practice when most of them can only shoot to kill? Imagine the lives that would have been saved if cops aimed for a leg or arm instead of the head or heart.  In a recent case in Illinois a woman called the police because she thought she had a break-in. During the search this innocent woman, 36-year-old Sonya Massey, removed a pot of boiling water from her stove. For some reason the paranoid deputy, Sean Grayson, assumed she was going to toss it at him. So he shot her in the head. If he had shot her in the arm or hand, she would have dropped the pot, but instead he shot to kill. To kill. This woman was murdered by the very person who was supposed to help her. Incredible. I wonder if this will be another police shooting that ends with a slap on the wrist. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024


I wonder how the six Maga Republicans of the Supreme Court feel now that they have exposed themselves as traitorous and biased bigots. Are they embarrassed by so publicly abandoning their oath of office and kissing Trump's butt for all the world to see? Although we shouldn't be surprised. We knew that Clarence was a sexual predator and his wife an unhinged nutcase.  We knew that Kavanaugh was guilty of his sexual assault and more than likely an alcoholic. As for the four others, they clearly showed signs of religious bigotry and evidenced some parasitic tendencies. So it came as no revelation that they ruled against Roe vs. Wade, blessed Trump with insane immunity, and made several other idiotic majority decisions. It's wonderful to see them so reviled by the press these days and one can only hope that their arrogances and treason are judged even more harshly when Kamala becomes President.



 Republicans would like Americans to believe that increasingly high prices are a result of inflation. But it isn't always.Very often it's a question of corporate greed. Even President Biden referred to it in his recent speech. Greedy corporations shower enormous salaries on their top execs while paying their workers as little as possible. The leading offenders are oil companies and tech firms like Apple.Today I purchased a piece if thin cord about 2 feet long from Apple. It looked very much like the inexpensive cord we use to recharge our phones.It probably cost less than a nickel to produce, but I had to pay $27.00. Apple constantly revises all its products to make sure they are outdated  so when you need a need module or part (that only they can provide) you are forced to buy the newest, costliest version. The products are great. The executives are pigs.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Donald Trump says so many stupid things. Many show what an idiot he is because they are so devoid of reality like suggesting that Meryl Streep isn't that good an actress. How could anyone be so moronic as to make a statement like that about America's most honored and awarded actress? He has made so many petty, spiteful, inaccurate attacks on persons of great value based on his jealousy and monumental inadequacy.  But the dumbest (if that's possible) is how frequently he says that Joe Biden is the worst president in American history. Not one of, but "the worst". First of all Biden will go down in history as one of the very best American presidents, a leader with so many achievements and accomplishments that even a  dunce like Trump must be in secret awe. So what does Trump's insane comment suggest? Sadly it's yet another one of Trump's most common misspeaks and revealing stupidities, yet another projection.This one revealing that Trump realizes that he, not Biden, is the worst president in American history. I wonder how future history books will treat this orange clown.


Like millions of Americans, I am encouraged by the news that Kamala Harris will be running for President. My enormous regard for President Biden has doubled knowing he so courageously put country before ego. There is also a great added joy to knowing that Trump is terrified of suddenly running against a brilliant, attractive woman with wide experience dealing with rapists and frauds like him. I am sure he is looking at his own pathetic V.P. pick, J.D.Vance, with an overwhelming sense of buyer's remorse. Since Trump has nothing of value to offer, he is probably busy making a list of mysoginistic insults and racist comments that only reinforce the fact that he is not a strong leader but a weak and spiteful bitch.


I love true crime series. And having seen almost every episode of every series so far, nothing pleases me more than seeing the word "new". Unfortunately that word "new"  is used by Oxygen for past programs which are not new, and is followed by some disclaiming term suggesting new facts to excuse the lie. Very annoying. Even more annoying is an actual new series, Sins of the South, which has some interesting crimes which I cannot watch. Why? Because the female narrator's fake Southern accent is so grating I cringe whenever she speaks and soon change the channel. I am sure the producer Dick Wolf knows the problem as has had many letters of complaints from viewers like me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


An MSNBC newsperson said the other day that the two possible VP candidates they are most worried about Kamala choosing are Mark  Kelly of Arizona and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. That may be true. It also may be a lie they put out because they feel those are two possible choices are less threatening. My point is one should never repeat what Trump or Vance says as their comments may be designed to mislead the public into doing what they want. My opinion is that Harris should choose someone with experience, an easy to pronounce name and a full head of hair.

Monday, July 22, 2024


Who are these Americans who are undecided about to whom to vote for? Does that mean they can't decide whether to stay in the easy chair of democracy or be dragged from that chair, slammed into a wall of autocracy, kicked into a gutter of obeisance, robbed of most of their money, forced to house their elderly parents who no longer have Social Security, and live under the constant fear that a cultist neighbor might turn them in for saying something negative about Trump or other Heritage rulers? Are they really suggesting that this decision actual requires some careful thought?


It figures. Just when Biden drops out of the race and turns the reins over to Kamala Harris, that arrogant, pain in the ass,76-year-old,  Democrat-in-name-only Joe Manchin makes a bid for the presidency. I think he's the only person I dislike as much as Trump, well not as much but close. Anyway I am sure Harris is in it to win it and there's nothing to worry about. When America clearly understands the ramifications of 2025, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance won't stand a chance. Hmmm, not bad: Trump and Vance Don't Stand a Chance.

Saturday, July 20, 2024


Being a life-long Democrat and despising Donald Trump I was amused at an e-mail I received this morning. from J.D. Vance telling me that Donald Trump told him he should speak to me first since being selected as his Vice Presidential nominee. In it he asked for a 5-minute interview. He went to write"When I am sworn in as the 50th Vice President I'll look back on my interview with you (little ole me?) as the defining moment in our campaign to Make America Great Again. (Golly, this is flattering!) The Vance bullshit continues. "My busy schedule allows me to speak directly to a small group of our most patriotic Trump Repuublicans (not me) and YOUR NAME was at the very top of that list." (Imagine that, a rabid, Trump-hating Republican at the tippy top of the list.)  His last comment before I was to begin my interview was, "I'd be honored if my first official act as the Vice Presidential candidate could be speaking with you." The fact that this insipid e-mail went to a massive mailing list of gullible Republican and skeptical Democrats like me shows how  pitiful the GOP campaign is. Would any recipient of this e-mail believe this bullshit for a second and do the interview?   It reeks of the insincerity and deceit one expects from the Trump campaign. Even more interesting it smells of the ruthless ambition of J.D. Vance who is convinced he will be the V.P and has plans to move up to President by means Trump should worry about. 


Just when I was feeling overwhelmed by the current lack of patriotism among the Republican Party and disgusted by the fealty of the same to Trump, an obvious fraud, liar, criminal and rapist, I received an encouraging arrival. It was the July 22 copy of The New Yorker. Now while all their covers are brilliant, this one was especially trenchant: titled The Face of Justice it is an accurate illustration of the nine members of The  Supreme Court. While all three oath-honoring female justices were portrayed as themselves, the others were represented by six somber-faced Donald Trumps. What better way to remind the American public of what shameful acts these six treasonous justices were guilty of in their unconstitutional effort to support this would-be dictator? While all my other New Yorker magazines are in a neat pile on a bookcase, this cover is framed and above my mantel, where it will remain until these turncoats have lost their power of betrayal.

Friday, July 19, 2024


You will notice that  combative Trump is asking for unity during this election campaign. And the reason is painfully obvious. Of course he doesn't want candidates to snipe at each other because he has nothing to snipe at, while Biden has an endless supply of ammunition to aim at Trump. He is, after all, a convicted felon, a rapist, a scam artist, a philanderer; an unhinged, paranoid, would-be dictator. It's no surprise Trump wants a very civil, polite, discourse during this time. Forget it Fatso. A mound of excrement like you has spent his whole life being deceptive, divisive and disgusting. You need lots of public airing. 


In a recent video, Trump says, "If you take the ten worst presidents and add up all the damage they have done it will not be as much as the damage Biden has done." Comments like this prove that Trump is a nasty, lying nut-case wacko. There is not an iota of truth in that idiotic statement, but the media never calls him on his absurd lies. If they just once asked him to explain such an accusation, America would see that Trump is always talking out of his ass and has no backup facts ever. Do Americans really want such a bitchy, snarky dictator? 


Why does the Media keep insisting this will be a close race?  Do they actually believe more Americans are desirous of living in a restrictive autocracy than in their familiar and mostly comfortable democracy? Would they really rather be ruled by a madman than governed by a sane and humane president? What am I missing here? 


 Donald Trump is going to speak with Velodymyr Zelenskyy today. Why? Whatever he says will be a lie. His sycophantic Vice President, Judas Vance, has already made their feelings about Ukraine obvious. No aid. Donald worries more about his regular delivery of Cover Girl than about the future of this brave nation. Why is the media so gullible? When Trump said he would deliver a speech on unity, they actually believed him. And then seemed so surprised at the same old-same old self-serving hateful projections .

We get it Martyr Donnie. You were shot, boo hoo. You can lose the bandage now.


"I will be the president for all Americans" that I allow to remain in Trumptopia" after I have gained complete power.

Thursday, July 18, 2024


This coming election has nothing to do with whom you like, but who likes you. Trump/Vance don't like you if you're black, though many black Americans are foolishly convinced that's not true. They don't like you if you're Hispanic, nor do they like anyone not white. They don't like you if you're a non-citizen as they assume you're taking their money (how paranoid). They don't like you if you're any religion other than Christian (though Trump is a closet atheist). They don't like you if you're Jewish; they'll use your skills, but they don't like you. Vance doesn't like you if you're a childless female whom he calls a Cat Woman for no good reason.  And he really hates you if you're LGBTQIA and I mean hates. And neither Trump nor Vance sure as hell don''t like you if you're poor, since that's what they know you'll continue to be in their dystopia. Now while there's no danger in you liking them (to each his own) there's a grave danger in them not liking you. They've even put their Manifesto of hate in print: Project 2025. So why should you vote for Joe Biden? Because he has proven he likes all Americans regardless of race, religion or sexual preference. And our democracy will continue to be a land of opportunity. So whether you like Biden or not, he's your only hope for the future. Don't forget that. By the way, do you want to know a little secret? I don't think Vance likes Trump. But the easily flattered Donald was the only possible door to the presidency. 

 "We love this country and we are united to win."   
J.D. Vance

What a wicked lie! And what can you expect from a bold opportunist who flattered a gullible narcissist he hated in order to creep into his good graces and achieve a position that could lead to the presidency. The Republicans do not love this country. They have made it clear in the evil manifesto Project 2025 that they will shred our democracy, remove our welfare systems, obliterate our educational system, deny women abortion rights, and make Trump our all-powerful king until they assassinate him to gain total control. They do not love our country because they hate women, half our population. They hate blacks and Hispanics, especially if they can vote. They hate all non-whites and plan to deport most of them, even U.S. Citizens. They are anti-Semites, anti-unions, and anti-freedom. Vance, this same liar, calls childless women Cat Ladies. He would be the first to create Nazi-like concentration camps for gays or anyone that didn't subscribe to his missionary position for childbirth only. They hate our Constitution for its restrictions on their bullying. Who is the "we" who are united to win? Republicans whose party was abolished? Independents willing to give up any shred of free will? Blacks who have turned a deaf ear to Trump's constant racist remarks? Magas in their angry hats and tee-shirts who will be destitute when the generosity of the Democrats is no longer in their mailbox or bank statement?  Every American who values liberty must totally understand what the Republican manifesto called 2025 is, because your future and the future of every member of your family is at risk. Do not, repeat do not be united in the ruination of a country you love, and they so obviously do not. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


I am surprised that the six Republicans on the Supreme Court got away with treason so easily.  Long Dong Silver, the beer-drinking drunk, Holy Mary, pussy-whipped Alito, Wimpy Roberts, and Neil the Invisible have all betrayed the country they swore to defend and none has expressed an iota of shame. How willingly this sextet of lackies surrendered their integrity and defied their oaths to ignore the law and slalom before their master. These supposedly highly-educated jurors have proven they're just as ignorant and gullible as any of the illiterate farmers in their MAGA hats, just as willing to kiss Trump's ass as his mendacious sycophants in Milwaukee. I wonder if they appreciate that Trump makes his own laws which means, having done their part for Trump, they will be completely de trop in 2025.


More than several Democrats are saying that if Biden remains the nominee, we lose. Do they actually believe that the American public, once aware of Trump's desire for full autocracy and dictatorship will  choose this 78-year-old criminal and liar over a 82-year-old seasoned politician who has been a person of honor and truth and an outstanding president? Do they have so little faith in the discernment of the American people that the majority won't recognize a scam artist who has been exposed time and again?  Do they really believe that we the people can't recognize the powdered, poufed, constantly lying wannabe despot Trump from the hard-working truth-telling caring patriot Biden? If so, the danger is not in Biden running but in them trying to stop him. 


If you're watching the Republican Convention, what are you seeing? You think you're watching hordes of people out to "Make America Great Again" but you're wrong. You're seeing a brainwashed mob of ex-Reublicans (since there is no Republican Party) out to make Trump powerful again. This crowd maintains that the Trump presidency was great, which it wasn't; that he improved the country, which he didn't; and that he should be handed the reins of power, which he shouldn't. You're seeing speeches full of lies by well-dressed articulate frauds who are actually harridans, sycophants, bimbos and parasites who have no idea they are riding on a highway of lies, rushing headlong into an  autocracy which will  have no need for them, especially if they are female. You're seeing a wicked old man ruling a realm of religious nuts so full of anger and resentment they are willing to suffer themselves if it means getting revenge on all the persons whom they believe have done them wrong. What you're seeing is an illusion: a flag-festooned panoply that hides a dystopian society more evil than any dynasty. Keep watching, but from now on open your eyes.


Have you noticed how often Republicans have to retract offensive comments they make, or deny them altogether?  Trump has had to backtrack or edit offensive comments he made about blacks, Hispanics, aliens, women and his own daughter.  J.D. Vance has to find excuses for all the rotten accuracies he said about Trump. So does Nicki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Ted (Rafael) Cruz, Majorie Taylor Greene and the list goes on and on. This is not a problem for Democrats since they tell the truth and are not out to mislead the American public. While most Republican lies require unsaying, some are more serious. Like how Trump insists he has no knowledge of the draconian 2025 plot he hatched with the Heritage society to make our democracy an autocracy if he, God forbid, wins.  What is said cannot be unsaid. Try telling that to the GOP.


I've had dozens of cuts, scrapes and wounds in my life. The ones that were bandaged usually heal in a few days. So I find it odd that Trump is still sporting his bandage as a symbol of heroism. (You will note there are no signs of blood.) Surely it's healed by now or at least requires a smaller dressing or cream. It's just another example of deception that Trump uses to manipulate his gullible followers.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


There are an awful lot of people at the Republican Convention. I wonder how many women are childless "cat ladies" as Vance in his anger describes them. I wonder how many of the men and women there are gay and childless and would suffer the vitriol of Vance if they went public, proving what a foolish choice being a Republican is for anyone. The brainwashing of the GOP must go pretty deep if these conventioneers can't clearly see how evil J.D. Vance is, and how he will never lead to anything positive in their lives, or in Donald's for that matter. This bearded, beady-eyed brute is a dangerous beast that should be kept outside.


Why is the Republican National Convention so festooned with American flags? Their intention is to do away with America. Why so much red, white and blue? Those are our colors not theirs. Unless the red is to represent the blood they are planning to spill, not the valor we have ascribed to it. And they certainly can't appreciate that white means purity and blue vigilance and justice. No. Our flags don't belong to them. And why are there so many women at the convention? Don't they understand how expendable they have become to this male-dominated regime? Do they understand that J.D. Vance has said if a woman is in an abusive relationship, she should remain? I look at all these Jonestown faces and think they can't all be stupid, but fear they are. How will they respond if Donald wins and for one reason or another those in power start handing out figurative Kool-Aid? 

Monday, July 15, 2024


Donald Trump, having no character of his own is a terrible judge of character in others. Consider all his misjudgments, all the bonds he formed with optimism that ended in misunderstandings and anger.  His cabinet appointments, his wives, his employees, his friends, his porno star, his Vice President. Which makes me wonder how wise is his choice of J.D. Vance as his new Vice President. Doesn't Donald wonder why someone who called him a modern day Hitler among a slew of other damning insults is suddenly so flattering? Could he be lying because Donny has something he wants, like power? Trump is so easily conned by flattery, he often forgives major detractors, like Lindsey Graham, if their pledges of adoration are convincing enough. Vance's were. Now Vance has what he wanted. This novice Junior Senator, who is every bit as incompetent as Trump, does equal him in heartless ambition. Critics have called Vance a flame-thrower, an apt appellation. I wonder how long it will take before Trump feels the flames are coming a little too close to his own flammable hair.


How odd that this unfortunate assassination attempt has given Trump just what he wanted, not counting a minor nick on the ear, of course. He is once again in the only place he ever wants to be: the public eye, the center of attention, the main news story. And how convenient that it happened just before the Republican National Convention. To make his glee even greater, his adoring groupie, judge Cannon, has dismissed his stolen documents case as we always knew she would. Once again the news media, even the liberals are referring to him with a sense or respect, totally ignoring the ticking 2025 time bomb he is so eager to ignite if enough brainwashed Americans are convinced that a dictatorship beats a democracy, tiny hands down. Hmm. Maybe instead of shooting that 20-year-old would be assassin, we should have given him a medal.


What is going on? The majority of Americans and most of the world see Donald Trump for what he is: an evil liar, philander, scam artist, thief and fraud who wants to destroy our democracy in favor of an autocracy solely focused on him? So how is it possible for so many others attribute to him virtues that he has never once displayed, and extend to him a helping hand in his goal to be a cruel dictator and make their own lives miserable? What good can they possibly see in this monster that inspires the Supreme Court to bow to his unlawful and unConstitutional demands and Judge Cannon to show herself as an incompetent toady by dismissing a major claim against him? What makes his unloved sons so defensive of his evil. What is he? An old, fat, flatulent, humorless narcissist, sans kindness, knowledge, wisdom and wit. And yet he has this brain-washed, fact-blind army of lemmings eager to give up their liberty and free speech to fall ignominiously into his uncaring and ruthless control. What false dreams do they have? And how did they get there? There has got to be a major unknown as yet why?

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Today I met a person living in the United States from Suriname. He was pleasant enough, about 49, articulate and moderately attractive. While the conversation started out well enough, it was soon obvious that he was a Trumpist and intoxicated with Kool-Aid. He thought things would be better with Trump, who was not a liar, and only planned on deporting criminals. I pointed out that Trump's plans included deportations of innocents as well, and that he wanted to have a white population. This made no impression on my coal-black companion who also insisted that the media is all lies and China is doing much better than the USA in every area. We agreed to disagree and he was sure I would eventually see how swell Trump was, while I was just as confident that if Trump was elected he would soon be be dead or on the next boat to Suriname.


This morning's MSNBC coverage of Trump's assassination attempt was very annoying.  First of all they kept referring to him as if he were a normal and undeserving victim. They couldn't imagine what the motive was (how about to prevent thousands of other deaths from 2025?). A Trumpist mayor from a nearby town called the shooter an animal and maniac and an MSNBC reporter echoed that unfounded sentiment. This idiotic mayor also commented that the attendees had only come there for "a message of hope". Since when do these hate-filled rallies offer a message of hope? Later they read a letter supposedly from Melania expressing her distress at the event and her intention to attend the upcoming convention. Not surprisingly the so-called letter was one that sounded nothing like Melania and was obviously written by a minion, possibly Herr Miller. All over America millions are wishing that the shooter (if it wasn't a set-up) were a better shot. Are we supposed to pretend otherwise?

Saturday, July 13, 2024


While next week's Republican Convention could be a scary first look at Project 20/25, I suspect it will be a hilarious laughfest instead. I just read on Axios that they intend for it to be a testosterone event, boys vs. girls. (Is it possible that Nikki Haley wasn't even invited.) Sadly Trump and his cronies at the Heritage Foundation have as much faith in Project 20/25 as the Little Rascals did in their "no girls allowed" clubhouse dictum. Haven't the Republicans  offended women enough? Heck, they could lose the needed votes of all those deluded old hags in their Maga hats, not to mention the votes of their obedient pussy-whipped husbands. If you read Project 20/25, it is obviously compiled by bullies, misogynists, and dangerous rascals grown old and angry. No wonder Trump is trying to distance himself from the horrors it presents, which he endorses, but would prefer to keep hidden. Plus Trump is worried. He wanted to enjoy his cruel dictatorship all by himself, now he has to share power with equally sadistic wackos. So while the Convention was going to be a nail-biting event now it seems more like a comical Pepsi and popcorn production. 

Friday, July 12, 2024


While the Liberal (yes, liberal) media is doing everything to get Trump (yes Trump) elected by ignoring Trump's madness and directing all their criticism to Biden I suspect that Trump himself has lost some of his ambition. Why? For starters he's a crackpot who can't maintain a clear game plan for his desired autocracy. Also I think he's afraid of the Heritage Foundation. They're moving too fast. Taking too much control. And putting him in the awkward position of having to justify the 20/25 project, which he is unable to do. I think he has realized he is just a pawn for them, and that it might be dangerous for him. He's not even sure he can trust his Vice President, which explains the the slow deciding.  Thus he is doing less campaigning, playing more golf, and keeping a low profile. Of course the media will never suggest this possibility as they never question anything Trump does. But I think the old bastard is thinking twice about with whom he is planning to rule the world.


Last night, before Joe Biden's press conference, MSNBC read the New York Times 5,000 word attack on Donald Trump. It was an incredibly damning assault on Trump's incompetence and evil, that should it should have been shouted from the housetops. It clearly showed that this gangster is not fit to lead and just how  dangerous he is for our nation. But this morning MSNBC made no mention of this Times article, but continued with their petty coverage of Joe Biden. Just who exactly is the so-called liberal media rooting for? 

“Mr. Trump has shown a character unworthy of the responsibilities of the presidency,” the board, made up of 14 Times opinion journalists, wrote. “He has demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the Constitution, the rule of law and the American people. Instead of a cogent vision for the country’s future, Mr. Trump is animated by a thirst for political power: to use the levers of government to advance his interests, satisfy his impulses and exact retribution against those who he thinks have wronged him.”

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


If Donald Trump is elected and shreds our flag and democracy, the TV media, both liberal and conservative, can congratulate themselves on a job well done.  It seems that every network, without exception, is hounding Joe Biden over a 90-minute blunder, and ignoring Donald Trump's  90 minutes of lies. That was weeks ago and the news is still yapping and whining and discussing and assuming non-stop about what Biden should do while a criminal, rapist, fraud and dangerous sociopath named Trump is being treated like a normal person. Even worse they prognosticate that Trump could win. What an insane prediction and how insulting to our nation to suggest that more Americans would choose to be dominated by an unhinged autocrat than governed by an honest man no matter how dotty. Do people really think the president makes every decision alone. Even if Biden failed midstream, there are dozens who can carry on and fulfill his vision.  I used to admire the TV media. I saw them as highly educated, extremely articulate, intensely reasonable professionals. No longer. These days even the liberals are like petulant children. And the conservatives? What can I say? Traitors,

Monday, July 8, 2024


Has it occurred to Trump that his Republican cronies and Heritage hounds don't actually like him any more than we do. But, let's face it, he is their only way for them to get into power. He is the only key to the future of Project 20/25. Without him there is no entrance. Thus he should be wary of whom he chooses for Vice President. Let's say he wins. Naturally he'll want things his way. But his cruel minions will want it their way. So if he has a sudden fatal accident the well-connected Vice President  is now in power. Everyone can can now dispense with pampering to the weight and wasted time of Trump's personal petty revenges and concentrate on their own evil plans. It's so obvious, I wonder why Tubby isn't awake all night wondering why they seem so eager to give him the retribution he desires. 

Is this clown really their hero?


This is Republican Mark Robinson speaking this week at the Lake Church in Bladen Country,  As Lt. Governor of North Carolina, you would think that he wouldn't say hateful things like "Some folks need killing."  But then you would think that those so-called Christians wouldn't applaud such incendiary  statements, which some did. I wonder if Mark would say that same sentence if face to face with Jesus Christ. Since Murderous Mark is eager to be part of the 20/25 revolution, maybe he thinks Christian themselves need killing. What lesson can we take away from this picture of Mark Robinson.  That's easy:Some people need dieting. 


When are American consumers who shell out a monthly high price for the placebo Prevagen going to realize that all those seemingly intelligent promoters of this total ineffective product are liars who love the money and exposure provided by the bogus pharmaceutical. If not that, then they are totally delusional persons who are imagining a benefit that has not taken place from an expensive pill no more effective than a TicTac.

The Federal Trade Commission and New York State Attorney General have charged the marketers of the dietary supplement Prevagen with making false and unsubstantiated claims that the product improves memory, provides cognitive benefits, and is “clinically shown” to work.


For some masochistic reason, I always watch the evening network news, the 6:30 horror show which is almost 50% commercials,  (many of them repeated as soon as they are shown). Every night one can expect the usual catastrophes: tornados, floods, landslides, record heat. When you are not seeing a mindless Liberty commercial you've seen a million times, you can gasp as a lovely Midwest towns obliterated by a monstrous middle of the night tornado, which usually kills three residents but not that old lady with her overweight dog who survived the storm in a bathtub. While it is obvious that global warming is getting worse, the networks never use that terminology. Do they think we haven't noticed that temperatures of 118 degrees are unusual?  Or that we didn't used to have 80 twisters in one day? Although I shouldn't be surprised that they don't come right out and say GLOBAL WARMING or CLIMATE CHANGE.  After all they devote most of their political coverage to Donald Trump and never use the words NUTCASE, INSANE, UNHINGED, DANGEROUS , or just plain BONKERS.

In searching for this ID for the three leading networks, I was surprised to see most logos also listed FOX news. Since when did lies and conspiracy get to be classified as news?

Sunday, July 7, 2024


In a previous post "The Final Fourth" I rightly suggested that if Donald Trump becomes president this past  Fourth of July celebration will have been our last. On the other hand if America votes to protect our democracy the next July Fourth will be the most joyous ever. We, the American people, will be celebrating having saved our nation from the autocratic claws of Trump and his Heritage hounds. While we are celebrating our continued freedom in the glow of the most fantastic "Yankee Doodle"  fireworks to ever light up the night sky, Trump, in his prison cell, will still be bitterly licking his wounds making our victory that much sweeter. Everything that would have stopped in a 20/25 dictatorship will be moving forward: the infrastructure, the reversal or anti-abortion laws, the shaming of the traitorous Supreme Court, the retribution of every Republican who tried to steal our freedom, the unbanning of books, the renewed separation of church and state, and the rededication of the poem by Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty. It will be a new age of liberty and democracy, and all it requires from you is one simple essential: Vote Blue. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024


Please don't tell me you're a Christian and you're going to vote for Trump. In fact, don't tell me you subscribe to any standard of morality and will vote for Trump. That's not possible. Donald Trump, despite being showered with wealth from childhood has led a life of deceit, betrayal, greed, and crime. Married three times, he betrayed all his wives, assaulted at least one, and left her buried on a golf course because it was a profitable business move.  He is convicted felon, who has ripped off hundreds of business men, stolen from students who thought his college was legit, left thousands jobless when he walked away from businesses that weren't profitable enough. He is an atheist who pretends to be religious, a rapist who claims to respect women, and a philanderer who couldn't care less about abortion. No. If you vote for Trump, accept that you have no morals, no standards, no barriers, no rules, and that you have no claim on Christianity or any other religion. If he wins, you will have the satisfaction that you have helped him destroy our democracy. And that satisfaction will last only until that moment when you realize that you have made a huge mistake when it soon becomes apparent that Trump is far more evil and without morals than even you. 


I don't see the problem.  If Joe  Biden pulls out of the race, Kamala Harris will be the nominee and will choose a new Vice President. If Joe becomes unable to function at any point, Kamala Harris will assume the office and choose a new Vice President. It's the same outcome either way, so what is all that whining about? And, if Joe Biden remains capable and dependable there is no problem.  The only problem is if the majority of Americans, being blind to the future, choose the totally selfish and unhinged Donald Trump to destroy their democracy and ruin their lives. But this has nothing to do with Joe Biden's competency, but with how gullible and self-destructive most voters are for believing for a single moment that Trump has more in store for them than total domination in an irreversible power grab that will bring more frightening problems than they could ever have imagined. 

Friday, July 5, 2024


An odd question. But think about it. Who would your dog, or cat, other beloved pet favor for the Presidency?  They would want someone whom they could trust, who could care for them, not plunge them into an unfamiliar society. They would want an environment where you felt safe and happy, not worried about the whims of a mercurial and cruel autocrat. They would not want you struggling for the means to feed them and yourself.  They would want to sleep peacefully at night, not wake to a sudden raid or removal of a loving guardian. In short, they would want the kind of life they have now: calm and safe. So who would they vote for?  Not Trump who is never seen with any pet and is too selfish to part with any money or love on an animal's behalf. Like most cats and dogs, they become upset or fearful at persons of violent mood changes, constant angers, and threats. No, not Trump.  Biden, on the other hand loves animals. You will recall he moved into the White House with two German Shepherds, Major and Champ, sadly Champ died leaving the Biden's broken-hearted. It would seem your pet would vote for the leader you should, Joe Biden. If you pet could speak,and you asked him or her, "Don't you think Joe is a little old." they might reply, "He seems fine to me."


This has been a terrible year for America: tornados, floods, forest fires, landslides. Hundreds of Americans have lost their homes, much of it due to climate warming, which will only grow worse since Republicans refuse to believe it exists. And who will help to restore the lives of those made homeless or crippled with insurmountable debt? Republicans? Don't count on it. They have done very little in recent years and are unlikely to suddenly develop the kind of caring that has always been inherent in Democrats. Which is why we cannot let Trump win in November. Have you ever seen him perform an act of kindness or do the kind of house-building labor Jimmy Carter was famous for? No. All he cares about is donate, donate, donate. He is a super-lazy narcissist who will never give a (expletive deleted) for you. Republicans are threatening to do away with Social Security and Medicare. How long before they question FEMA and other needed welfare programs?  If you have been a victim of nature's fury, vote blue. If you have been fortunate enough to escape the ravages of our recent mercurial climate vote blue.


This conservative creep is Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation. He's in league with Donald Trump to foment a new American Revolution (as if we need one). He says in a recent speech,"'this new regime will be bloodless, if we allow to be". What does that mean? Well in Nazi Germany, many slaughters were bloodless. The Jews, gypsies, gays and others were herded into hot and crowded trains. No blood. When they arrived at the concentration camps they were sorted, separating those would work and those who would die. No blood. Those who would die were sent to gas chambers and told they were showers. They all died, men, woman, children, even infants. Bloodless. Is that what Kevin Roberts is promising Americans in the new revolution? Today we are free, we are not controlled or abused by government, we have free speech, we have laws, we have medical coverage, we can go anywhere in our great country without papers of permission. Why would you surrender your freedom to a group of arrogant megalomaniacs who want to rule and bind you and worse claim you are already in their so-called bloodless pockets.