Thursday, July 14, 2016


Well, it seems to be official. Racist, homophobic, xenophobic Donald Trump has chosen as his vice president racist, homophobic, xenophobic Mike Pence. They are so much alike, except Pence is an evangelical and a full foot shorter and while Donny's hair is uncontrollable in a high wind, Mikey's short do clings firmly and obediently to his head like a Nazi helmet. Also Mike is 13 years younger than Donald, though he doesn't look it. (If he did, he might not have been chosen.) It's an agreeable match. Although Trump is sure to roll his eyes every time Pence talks about Jesus. And Pence is sure to frown sanctimoniously every time Trump talks tits. But what fun they'll have fantasizing the landslide vote they will get in November, what they will wear to the Inaugural ball, Hillary's heartbreak, the many ways they will try to crush gays, and, of course, the Trumpencian Wall that they will build and Mexico will pay for.  How sad that all their dreams must end on the night of Tuesday, November 8, when America elects its first woman president. Trump will, naturally, blame Pence, accusing him of bearing the Sarah Palin curse. And Pence, will blame God, who promised to make him a winner.

More Pence Facts: This guy is so uneducated that he, like Trump, believes that global warming is a myth. Imagine how helpful they would be in the increasing need to protect our planet. Even stranger he insists that smoking doesn't kill people despite hundreds of surveys and millions of deaths. And when asked if he believed in evolution, he said he did. Then followed it up with some evangelical gobbledygook that suggests he doesn't even know what evolution is. Oh, yeah, this guy is a real winner.

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