Monday, July 4, 2016


Bill Maher says the Americans are stupid. I think that's only partly right. Americans, in may ways, are brilliant. We're inventive, educated, brave, and upholders of freedom and generosity. But in other ways, we're absolute sheep and morons. For instance, we had free television for ages. The only price we paid was having to watch a handful of commercials with each program. The powers that be convinced us to pay for television and avoid commercials. We agreed, and now we pay to watch television and have far more commercials than we ever did when TV was free. Dumb. Dumb. And why is that? Because we don't complain. Baaa. And there was a time when the average person could afford to go see a Broadway show, whether in New York or with a road show production. Now only the affluent can afford tickets of $80.00 plus. Why? Because we don't complain. Baaaa. We don't complain about ever- rising rents. We don't carp about spending a fortune for a Kellogg's box of air and oats. We eagerly purchase the latest pharmaceutical cures for mostly non-existent maladies. (And, by the way,we unwillingly watch the commercial for said product hundreds of times.) We dish out an ever-increasing amount for mediocre first-run movies, and never complain about paying $6.00 or more for popcorn. My personal feeling is that we should all be crankier, cheaper, and more willing to bitch when we think we're being taken advantage of with something that is an unnecessary waste of our time or our money.
But I suspect we won't. Baaaaaaaa.

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