Thursday, July 21, 2016


I am hoping that in the future, perhaps ten years from now, all the partcipants of the 2016 Republican Convention will be looked up as peculiar. Not harmless peculiar like the radio listeners of October 30, 1938, who actually believed the Martians had landed and went into panic mode. No they were harmless. But scary peculiar since they were hell-bent to elect as president a narcissistic, homophobic, xenonphobic, racist loudmouth, and they believed he would make the country greater. This despite the fact that he had no foreign policy experience, no knowledge about any cabinet department, no understanding of the people outside of New York City. He had also been bankrupt several times, and despite being the scion of a wealthy family, he pretended to be a self-made man. Yet these hordes of peculiar people cheered him, praised him, imitated him, and promoted him as the savior of the U.S. which didn't need any saving. Yes, ten years from now someone will ask the question, "Weren't you one of the delegates who was so gung-ho for Trump." And nobody will admit they were that blind and that stupid.

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