Saturday, July 9, 2016


One of the main headlines on the Huffington Post today, in referring to the black-white tensions across the nation was "Tension Makes Clear The Risk of a Trump Presidency". I see no justification for that scare headline, and I would like to know who the idiots are who dream up such dire predictions. If the country is suffering from a temporary anger and instability, why would that suggest that its citizens are about to elect a racist madman who's sure to make the situation worse?  More and more it seems to me that it is the broadcast media that are creating America's problems by promoting Donald Trump; slanting stories to create more fear and animosity after a racial incident; focusing on the most negative stories of crime and criminality to keep Americans in a state of anxiety; constantly and unfairly attacking Hillary Clinton; rehashing past incidents, such as Bill Clinton's long-ago infidelity; deluging us with endless meaningless polls;  boring us with pompous pundits whose opinions are generally meaningless; underrating the many achievements if President Barack Obama; providing us with incomplete and sketchy information in order to make room for more commercials; and hiring irresponsible assholes who glibly write unfounded and moronic headlines like, "Tension Makes Clear The Risk of a Trump Presidency."

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