Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The eyes have it. Maybe.

Tomorrow I'm having cataract surgery. Now I'm really not that anxious about the operation itself, or at least I wouldn't be if I didn't keep getting calls from the medical center. Just now a woman called, Amy was her name. She wants to know my social security number, age, marital status, address and next of kin. Another person called two days ago with similar questions. It makes you wonder if they think there's a chance you'll check out during the procedure. I would also feel better if I had spent more than ten minutes with the doctor. But we had a quick face to face at which time he highly recommended the $2,000 per eye lens without ever suggesting anything else. I never saw him again. I did get a call from a technician who explained my four choices. The free lens didn't seem to impress him. But he was increasingly impressed with each costlier choice, and rapturous about the $3,000 per eye option. I shouldn't say rapturous because he didn't have enough personality to merit that description. Anyway, I went with the freebee. I'll soon know if that was the wisest choice.

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