Sunday, August 10, 2014

Snake oil comes in many shapes.

I have often commented on this blog how much I hate Kellogg's for being so greedy and charging a fortune to American families for what is essentially a handful of grain and a box full of air. But I also hate their competitor Cheerios for a different reason, Ever since I was a child I have seen their fraudulent commercials for Cheerios aimed at children—like the deceptive 1961 ad shown here—promising that their sugar-loaded cereal somehow gives you strength and endurance. As a child I, of course, believed this crap, but I see they are still doing it in commercials for kids and for adults with all kinds of suggestions that eating their empty calories will reduce your cholesterol, improve your heart health, and do everything except cure ED.  Pity there seem to be no more truth-in-advertising rules and companies like General Mills can—to use an old expression—hoodwink the public. Probably the second most popular lie in America after, "the check's in the mail" is "He's feeling his Cheerios."

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