Saturday, August 9, 2014

Give the bigot a call.

Just yesterday I returned to Miami from a visit to Tampa. Having never been to Tampa I was very impressed with how clean, attractive and orderly it was. While I was still recalling all the red brick streets, magnificent river walk, and the nice people of Tampa, I read a news article. It seems a Baptist church in Tampa cancelled the funeral  of Julion Evans with less than 24 hours notice after the pastor learned the deceased was gay. The pastor in question was T.W. Jenkins, who, being a bigot and homophobe and not a true man of god,  was horrified to learn from the obituary that Evans had a husband, 40-year-old Kevin Capers. Naturally Jenkins, pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, who never heard of love thy neighbor says he was doing his duty as a "man of God" based on the preaching of the scripture, which, of course, has not such bullshit dictate. So, with this petulant, self-righteous act, Jenkins has not only disgraced himself, but made the city of Tampa look a bit less progressive as well.

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