Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Give that little girl a cigar."

There were two stories in the news today that just made you feel warm all over, and gave you the feeling that there is some justice in the world after all. The first was about Douglas McAuthor McCain,
(HuffPost must have misspelled his middle name). It seems Dougie, patriot that he was, was fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, affectionately known to traitors as ISIS. And guess what? He was killed over the weekend. Oh, well. The other story was closer to home, actually about 25 miles outside of Vegas. This involved the death of 39-year-old Charles Vacca, a gun instructor at Bullets and Burgers, an outdoor shooting range. It seems he was shot with an automatic Uzi while teaching a 9-year-old girl how to use a gun. I can't imagine how teaching a 9-year-old how to shoot an Uzi could cause such a problem.

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