Saturday, February 8, 2014

The devil's spawn.

If you still suffer from the delusion that Republicans are sane, take a look at this nutcase. Her name is Mary Helen Sears and she's a candidate for a Michigan seat on the Republican National Committee. Obviously another believer in magical thinking, she wants gays purged, her word, from the GOP because homosexuality is a perversion, her word, created by Satan, her word, himself. One can only hope that the rest of Houghton County doesn't suffer the same kind of mental illness that afflicts this daffy dame.  To be fair, Darren Little, communications director for the Michigan Republican Party,
supports a traditional definition of marriage, but says, "we also believe that all people should be treated with dignity and respect and these comments clearly don't reflect those principles." Nice try, Darren, but if you don't believe in equal rights for gays you're just as bad as Houghton County's hemorrhoid, Mary Helen Sears.

Note: Why is it that narrow-minded, hate-filled, gospel-spouting bigots always have the same demented smile?  Did it come from an Anita Bryant pamplet?

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