Monday, February 24, 2014

A long and unwanted opinion.

In HuffPost today there is an open letter from a gay man to Alec Baldwin. While he says he doesn't think Baldwin is a homophobic bigot, he does think he's a narcissistic, easily provoked hothead. I also don't think that Baldwin is a homophobic bigot. And if he is at all narcissistic he has every right to be since he is gorgeous, a terrific actor, and a super talent in many areas. I also think he has every right to his temper since has been exposed to all kinds of annoying assholes, including the person who wrote him this arrogant, narcissistic open letter. The gay author also refers to himself and gay persons as queer, which I find utterly as detestable as the word n*****. So for him to be offended at Baldwin using the word faggot really annoys the hell out of me. Screw them all Alec. You're a giant and I can understand how you are annoyed as hell by all these gnats.

Note: The letter writer, Noah Michelson says, "Why do we get so heated about words? Because words matter." Since this is true, he should reallize what an offensive word is "queer". While Noah may consider himself queer, or odd, or any of the other unpleasant definitions of the word, many gay men, like me, do not. So before you write a letter, Noah, think about glass houses. 

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