Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Forget the prayer, how about some cash?

Is there anyone more hypocritical than anti-abortion zealots?  First of all they only seem to be concerned with American abortions and don't really give a damn about pregnant women in other countries, especially if they're black. They don't want these poor god-helpless women to abort their babies. On the other hand, they don't seem to want to shell out any money to help struggling mothers support the child they don't want them to abort. They hate the idea of life being ended before it has a chance to begin, but they don't seem to be terribly bothered if it ends in childhood, during the teenage years, or later in life when so many of the babies they "rescued" become soldiers. And they couldn't care less if someone killed a doctor who does abortions. That apparently is not murder in their demented little minds. Basically they don't really care about unborn children at all. Their goal is to bully women who won't do what they want and who won't follow their religious beliefs. I also think a large part of it is finding an acceptable outlet for the intense anger they feel with or without abortion. And if their goals are so altruistic, so pro-life and good hearted, how come they are almost always sneering, snarling, threatening harridans and thugs, usually well past the child-bearing age which makes you wonder what really bothers them.

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