Monday, February 10, 2014

The fable of the little finger pointer.

Apparently mental illness is more contagious than we thought. It was pathetic when poor Rand Paul started to fret about past indiscretions, notably the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But it seems that Rancid Priapism has developed the same obsession. He apparently, in his psychotic optimism, thinks that by revisiting President Clinton's indiscretion, which was nobody's business to begin with, will reflect on the Republicans most feared person: Hillary Clinton. I don't know why they would think that. On one hand Republicans feel that a woman is a mere nothing who has no control over the masterful man who governs her life. So surely they can't think that Hillary had any control over Bill's peccadillo which has the GOP still masturbating like monkeys years later. Poor Rance, Poor Rand, what poor right-wing boob will this madness strike next?

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