Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"..where the wind comes sweeping down the plain."

I know I'm hard on August: Osage County, and I wouldn't be if it weren't so unjustly praised by critics everywhere. On stage (I saw both the original and a Miami production) I found it to be a well-written overlong soap opera made palatable by an amazing stage set ( a complete three-story house).Last night I saw the movie, which was distinguished by superb actors and little else. The word that most occurred to me watching this film was  artificial". One watched the marvelous performances of Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Cooper and other talents too numerous to mention and felt nothing. I have been more moved by episodes of Mama's Family. Maybe I'm too demanding. I would like to know why anyone would live in that remote non-air-conditioned house; how a poet ever accumulated any large amount of money; why someone with mouth cancer would talk and smoke so much; and why it took one character decades before scolding his wife for belittling their son. If people actually responded to this blog, which they don't, someone may be able to explain what's so good about A:OC.

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