Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It lives!

Dick Cheney, truly one of the creepiest hypocrites and mass murderers that America has ever produced is unfortunately still alive thanks to the heart he stole from some worthy recipient. Because of this we are still subjected to his satanic smirk and insane pronouncements. His latest criticism of Obama, is that
our president would rather spend on food stamps than a strong military. Is this supposed to be a criticism? Now we know that Cheney couldn't care less if needy Americans were starving and would love to spend every cent of our taxes on more unnecessary planes and any device capable of destroying life so of course he's vexed that Obama doesn't agree. With his fake war of choice on Iraq The Dick has proven that he hasn't a clue what is necessary for warfare and, given the chance, he would send all our young American "warriors" off to early deaths in battles that, to him, are no more real than the sadistic computer games he probably plays during those rare moments of lucidity. In the not too distant future, this cretin will clutch his heart, feel intense pain, and drop dead. When he does the nation will pretend to mourn, but will in fact be secretly rejoicing, or at least everyone I know will.

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