Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Most people seem to love things that annoy the hell out of me. For instance Coke commercials. Now Coke is an unhealthy sugary soft drink that's been around for ages and made major contributions to obesity, tooth decay, diabetes and any number of other maladies. So why  are people so willing to associate it with kindness, altruism, international peace and general good feelings?  I repeat it's an unhealthy soft drink, and all the singing commercials and smiling children in the world are not going to make it any better for you. Yet Coke has spent another zillion dollars during the Super Bowl on another propaganda piece to further the fantasy that somehow the Coca Cola company is not a greedy corporation, but a benevolent provider of a mirth-giving elixir who extends the hand of friendship to the world. Coke shouldn't come in a bottle or a can, but in a crock.

Note: Considering the health benefits of drinking Coca Cola, this commercial wouldn't be much different if they had installed a cigarette machine. 

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