Monday, February 3, 2014

Dear to whom it may concern.

I write a lot of letters. Letters of complaint. Letters of praise. In the past most companies responded no matter what you had to say. Oftentimes they included a generous coupon. One didn't need it, but it was nice to receive. It showed that the company cared. Those days seem to be over. Recently I wrote to Folger's complaining about their price increases, but more about the design of the new jar for their instant decaf. I feel that the new jar allows more moisture in, thus making the coffee hard and unusable before it is finished. In response I received a thank you letter from Debbie W. at Smucker's, the parent company, and nothing else. Not even a coupon for 50 cents off a jar or marmalade. Bad policy, Smucker's. But even stingier was Colgate. When I wrote to tell them there was a grammatical error on their newly introduced Optic White toothpaste, they quickly changed all the packaging (which must have cost a fortune). sent me a letter acknowledging their thanks for pointing out the error, and included—wow!—a $1.00 off coupon. Cheap bastards!

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