Monday, August 5, 2013

Never in danger.

I was amused when Survivor first appeared.It surprised me how many people fell for the idea that these "castaways"were ever in any kind of danger. Did it not occur to the viewers that it takes quite a large crew to transport the equipment, operate the cameras, provide food (It's called craft services for some strange reason) give directions, find locations, dress the set, etc. These alleged strugglers in the wild are hardly alone for a moment and, I would guess, never in danger of more than a mosquito bite. I noticed there is a new show now called Naked and Afraid. The same rules apply of course, but the producers feel that adding nudity (well, buttocks really) gives it more of a kick. But people are not only taken in by these survival shows. Consider the so-called talent competitions.  Fans don't even accept that many of the untalented participants on talent shows are chosen for their pathetic inabilities. They appear expecting to be insulted. America has so many talented singers, dancers and groups that they could run programs for years with nothing but highly skilled performers. What fun would that be? America wants someone to ridicule as well as applaud. Not only can I not stomach these absurd entries into the evening's lineup, but they are killing off lots of good dramas and comedies. Oh, well. What I really miss, however, is the kind of entertainment that has been missing for a long, long time: the anthology series: a different, hopefully well-written and -acted drama or comedy every week.

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