Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Satanic leader of the Republican Party

"I don't care if a mother of six dies of cancer. It doesn't bother me if a child in severe pain can't visit a doctor because he lacks coverage. I don't approve of abortion, but if a mother is having a tough delivery, let her die so the child can live. But if it requires special care let them both die. I don't see why anyone with a pre-existing condition deserves medical attention. If a beloved father has lung cancer, well screw him. He shouldn't have smoked. And who cares if children are starving. Their dirt-poor parents never should have had them."  Those aren't my feelings. Those are the sentiments if not the actual words of born-again Christian, Ted Cruz. Let me repeat that, born again Christian. Even as an atheist, I am familiar with Christian teachings: Love they neighbor, Do unto others, Feed the hungry, Clothe the poor, Be your brother's keeper. So there is no way in the world you can call yourself a Born-Again Christian while working to defund Obamacare, which cares for the health needs of the poor, hungry and homeless. Ted Cruz is a demon in Christian clothing. Look at that face. Do you see any sign of kindness or charity on those cold eyes, that ugly maw. Of course not. He and his co-conspirators are on a crusade against those in need, a war of jealousy against a loved president who is the one thing they will not tolerate—being black. There is only one word for someone like Ted Cruz and all his cohorts: evil. You can't love humanity while trying to deny it solace and comfort. You can't love children while trying to deny them freedom from illness and pain. You can't be a born-again Christian or any kind of Christian if you going to dismiss all the teachings of Christ as the Mephistophlian Ted Cruz is doing every day.

Note: It's always interesting to see where loons come from. In the case of Canadian cuckoo, Ted Cruz, it's from an equally whacko zealot named Rafael Cruz, a naturalized citizen born in Cuba. This dodo, in addressing an audience of pseudo-Christians compared Obama to Fidel Castro. How original!

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