Friday, August 30, 2013

A nation of hypocrites.

This is what Sunday looks like in many American cities. Worshippers flocking to mega churches run by super-wealthy ministers who wear thousand dollar suits and have a fleet of luxury cars. And these church-goers are so stupid and so ignorant of biblical teachings, it never occurs to them that this kind of worship is completely contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, whom they claim to love and obey. In many of these churches today, there are tight-jawed Republicans who are eager to destroy what they call Obamacare, despite the fact that it will deny medical care to many thousands of needy adults and children. Jesus would find this horrifying, but they don't. They really have very little interest in what Christ would do or want, though they constantly proclaim themselves to be Christians, which they, in fact, are not. They are smug and indulgent heathens with their asses planted in expensive pews of polished wood; singing their soulless hearts out from pricey hymnals to the music of a exhorbitant organ and a choir dressed in princely robes; smugly smiling at their sublime surroudings of priceless windows and costly chandeliers; and exiting this palace on soft carpets that cost a fortune to purchase, install and keep clean. And it never occurs to them how that money could help the homeless, the hungry, the desperate. Why should it? That's something that would only occur to people who believe in Christian teachings.

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