Tuesday, August 6, 2013

They actually have wives?

I am amazed that any women stays married to such Republican wimps as Eric Cantor, John Boehner,  Rick Santorum, William Kristol, any male newscaster on Fox, and others too numerous to mention. What kind of husbands can they be?  They are, for the most part humorous liars, cowards,  impotent prudes, priggish little gossips and petulant whiners.The are so unmanly in their behavior I would think it would require a dozen Viagra just to achieve half mast, if that. How can their children see them as anything but angry little racists fuming constantly about a person who has done very little to deserve their anger other than being born half black? They must sit rigidly at the family dinner table, eating joyously, feeding on resentment, chewing on imagined slights, scowling at the memory of every Obama achievement, and wondering why they are not admired for their denial of medical care to the needy and food to the hungry. Sadly their wives must also be cold hearted and selfish otherwise they'd be seeing their divorce lawyers and daydreaming about finding another husband, this one with a heart.

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