Saturday, September 19, 2020


 There was a very amusing article in Salon today by Lucian K. Truscott IV. It was all about Trump's time-consuming devotion to his hair and to very little else. It seems to me that Trump wouldn't bother to run for president knowing he would have to devote more time to his hair than to his country. Still, it occurred to me there was another reason that he shouldn't have run for office, or at least a man with some kind of character shouldn't. And that is his wife. A decent man would feel that it wasn't proper to introduce an ex porn star into the gallery of First Ladies, not after such distinguished women as Dollie Madison, Abigail Adams, Abigail Fillmore, Jackie Kennedy, Betty Ford, and Lady Bird Johnson to name just a very few. Trump's wife is on the Internet under "Melania nude", leaving nothing to the imagination. In some photos she is sexually embracing another woman or giving a man oral sex. There is nothing wrong with these actions, but one doesn't expect them from the First Lady of the United States. The trouble with history is that it's history. So we can't erase Trump's clownish administration or the many angles we have had of a his stark naked wife. Still, his obsession with his hair is rather funny.

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