Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I thought Sean Spicer was a pathetic liar, but he seemed so common and witless I wasn't bothered that much. Especially after seeing him on Dancing With the Stars. After him I found Sarah Sanders despicable, and wondered how someone who claimed to be a good Christian could lie with such ease. But both of these mendacious monkeys pale in comparison to Kayleigh McEnenany. Sean and Sarah, I felt did it for the money. But Kayleigh is a born liar, a corrupt Republican puppet who will say anything and who lies without feeling an iota of shame or guilt and seems to do it for the sheer joy of lying.  First of all I find it ridiculous that the Press Secretary looks and dresses more like a cocktail waitress than a professional White House employee.  Secondly, I am amazed that she has a child and is willing to go on record as being a professional liar for our most corrupt and evil president. Once grown up, her daughter is sure to read about her duplicity or, worse, see videos of how glib a liar  is mommy. Let us hope that Americans are wise enough to vote Biden in, so we can see the disappearance of all these traitors, liars, and quislings (the Republican Senate) and get to work rebuilding and telling the truth. P. S. The release of Bob Woodward's book Rage proves that Trump was constantly downplaying the virus and further proves that Kayleigh was lying through her teeth when she said the President wasn't. This means that
Trump deliberately put Americans in harm's way and that many died from his misinformation. 

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