Saturday, September 5, 2020


There is no doubt in my mind that America was cursed with the presidency of Donald Trump because of the stupidity and arrogance of James Comey. Hillary Clinton was moving easily into the winner's circle, when Comey pulled out of his ass yet another possible scandal, one just strong enough to topple her, which it did. I am surprised he is not a pariah with the American people.  There is no question that Russia played its part, but Comey did the most damage and I am sure he realizes it. Right now America is a mess because we have been cheated out of two presidents that could have made a huge difference. Al Gore was a winner. His devotion to protecting the climate alone would have greatly aid us, but George Bush stole the presidency, killed thousands of Iraquis and Americans and set us back years. We had an eight-year reprieve with Obama and Biden and it seemed like things would turn around.  This was followed by a chance to elect our first female president and a continued age of growth and equality. But desperate-for-attention Comey stuck us with the worst president ever. And we were further defeated by the outdated electoral college. Now if we don't get rid of Trump, we may be facing the last chapter in our glorious history.

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