Thursday, September 10, 2020

 With the release of Bob Woodward's book, we have learned that Donald Trump lied to Americans about the dangers of coronavirus, resulting in the deaths of almost 200,000 people. But keep in mind, he didn't do this alone. He was aided and abetted by every Republican Senator, except Romney. While they kissed his ass on a daily basis, their constituents were dying from Covid-19 all over America because Trump told them there was nothing to worry about. When Trump was rightly impeached, the Senate could have had him removed. But of course they didn't. They stood by him, denied his crimes (though they knew they were lying) they turned a blind eye to every nasty act, every insulting attack, every theft of taxpayer money, every wasted day. So losers like Matt Gaetz and his boyfriend Jim Jordan and ditzy Rand Paul are just three of the stupidly loyal Republicans who are partly responsible for Trump's murders. Not that Mike Pence would have been any better at controlling the virus. He would have tried endless praying (not that he has any credit with God these days). Just think, thousands of lives could have been saved. All those poor souls wouldn't have had to die alone, miserable, and isolated if the Republican senators weren't such cowards and traitors. But nobody stood up to Trump, exposed him for the incompetent fool he is and they still aren't. And more Americans are dying every day.