Thursday, September 17, 2020


I find it distressing that the news informs me that Cubans in Miami are leaning toward voting for Trump. Why? I have lived in Miami for more than 20 years. During that time I have known many Cubans, as friends, as coworkers, as employers, as proprietors of businesses and restaurants I frequent. I have always found Cubans to be smart, hard-working, often very funny, and kind. If I have any gripes it's that I am addicted to your Cuban coffee. So to learn that you may vote for Trump is something I can't understand. Not that long ago, you were driven out of Cuba by a cruel dictator. Why would you want to reward another would-be dictator with a second term in office? Especially someone who is so opposed to your background and culture. He only feigns liking Cubans because you are citizens and can vote. Otherwise he would dismiss and oppress you like any other Latino group trying to gain entry to this country. I am told Cubans feel that he's good for the economy. Biden would be better. And even if he were, is that that enough to earn your vote from a racist who imprisons children, lies constantly, cheats on every wife, is full of rage and insults, and whose incompetence dealing with Covid-19 resulted in the deaths of nearly 200,000 people, possibly someone you know? You think he can fix our damaged economy, but can he? When it was good was it even his economy, or just something else he stole credit for?  This is a loser who declared many bankruptcies, stiffed many businessmen, cheated his associates constantly, and engaged in endless corrupt practices. Trump's admitted heroes are cruel autocrats like Putin, Erdogan, and Kim Jong-un, which means that  Fidel Castro was the kind of dictator he admired. Joe Biden has all the virtues of being Cuban without being Cuban. He's a religious hard-working, truth-telling family man. Trump is none of those, notably truth telling. Everything he says is a lie. You are nothing to him but a vote, a vote once given and recorded ends your use to him. You were robbed, ruined and victimized by a treacherous despot whole stole your country. Fortunately for us, you brought your talents,  culture and energies to America. Please consider carefully before you consign your new country to another cruel dictator even less obvious than Castro.

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