Tuesday, September 29, 2020


While I'm looking forward to tonight's debate, I'm beginning to smell a rat. Why is Chris Wallace moderating? Why does Fox News, a defender of Trump taking the lead? Why not Jeanine Piro or Laura Ingraham?  On Morning Joe they suggested that Chris will ask a lot of tough questions about Hunter Biden. Why? Isn't that doing Trump's work? Isn't that a, "Where was Obama born?" line of questioning?  Has word come down from the powers at Fox to help Trump any way possible or lose your position?Does Wallace intend to ask any questions about Trump's children of the corn, whom Michael Cohen rightly describes as "jackals"? With all his lies and thefts and endless crimes, I am amazed that Trump can even run for President of our once-clean country.  I hope the American people look carefully at every sick trick and ploy Trump uses: listen carefully to every sick accusation. evil innuendo, and baseless lie. I hope they ask themselves this time: Is this really the kind of vulgar, ignorant low-life we want representing our  country. Because if they don't, it won't be their country much longer.

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