Sunday, September 6, 2020


Let's face it. If you're planning to vote for Trump in November, there's something seriously wrong with you. Trump has never actually done anything for you. He's been a lazy, do-nothing president. His plans include doing away with programs you need, like health coverage and eventually Social Security. While your admire him (God knows why) he would spit on you once he had your vote. None of his political appointments have done you any good.Water is not cleaner. Air is not clearer. Unless you're wealthy, he hasn't given you a tax break. If you're in the service he see your as a sucker or loser. If you're a Republican, he's not. If you're a Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist, he's not. He is a self-worshipping atheist. Unless you're a blue-eyed white man, he has no use for you. If you're patriotic, he isn't, hence his adoration of the Russian dictator. So you see you have very little reason to vote for Trump. I would suggest you look into your heart before November 3 and try to find out what it is that you like about Trump. I suspect there is nothing.

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