Sunday, September 27, 2020


Why are we, the American people, even considering voting for a president who is obviously insane? Trump is bat-shit crazy. Which must mean that we are too, for even allowing him to run, for even considering that we will turn over our country to this proven mad man.  What we we playing, Russian roulette? If he loses, we get to live. But if he wins, the country dies in his delusional madness.  He wants Biden to take a drug test because Trump is terrified of the debate. If Trump took a drug test, god knows what they'd find: Ritalin, cocaine, Abilify, Saphris, Rexulti, Vraylar, Clozaril to mention some of the cocktail it takes to keep someone this schizophrenic from blowing up the world. On Tuesday night a very terrified child named Donny will have to face someone much smarter and more adult that him, and it has him pacing, fretting, cursing and attacking everyone around him. And his only way to deal with it is to insist that Biden take a drug test. If Trump wins this election, which is highly unlikely, we should Baker Act him.

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