Saturday, September 26, 2020


Trump swears he's a multibillionaire. Really? One billion is a thousand million. That's a hell of a lot money. That's so much money that you don't have to worry about it running out.  If Trump has that kind of money, why is he so afraid of spending it. He mooches off the government for dozens of things he could easily afford. He breaks his fat ass to arrange his schedule to earn more money at his resorts and hotels off the government—not the behavior of a billionaire. Since Jared, Ivanka, Junior and Eric are busy ripping off America and various charities they have their own ill-gotten money. So why is multi-billionaire Trump so cheap? Easy. It's because he doesn't have anywhere near as much money as he claims. Which is why he's terrified that anyone will see his taxes and the pathetic way he cheats to add a few more bucks to his bankroll. No doubt Trump has millions, which he accumulated through scams, unpaid debts, rip-offs, and most important the millions his stupid father handed over to him, most of which have been lost forever in bad investments and products he thought he understood but didn't. And one of the reasons Trump is pissing his Depends every day is that when he's out of office he'll be piss poor. Why? Because he owes millions to creditors we know nothing about. Russia alone has a tab they want to see paid, which is probably why they aided him in getting the presidency, because he promised them fabulous business deals that never reached fruition. And Melania will be very disappointed to see the fortune he promised her to pretend to love him doesn't exist. She would have been better off to take the bills on the night stand.

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