Wednesday, September 9, 2020


 In his new book Rage, Bob Woodard has many quotes from President Trump in which Trump admits that he always knew the coronavirus is deadly, but that he deliberately "played it down" because he didn't want to create a panic. First of all a virus doesn't cause a panic. It's not the same as Godzilla approaching the city. So basically that's another of his endless lies. Being a magical thinker he thought he could talk the virus away, which he couldn't. Also, since he knew it was deadly, he deliberately put his loyal fans in harm's way by pooh poohing masks and distancing. How many people in Oklahoma and Arizona who trusted him got sick with the virus? How many, like Herman Cain, died? And how many more from last night's North Carolina rally are next because of Trump's lies? Let me repeat. Trump knew the virus was deadly and that it traveled on air. He also knew that children were in as much danger as adults. He says so in Rage. But he didn't trust American citizens enough to warn and protect them. Because of this so far more than 190,000 people have died--suffering, afraid, and alone. Why? Because Trump is a liar. Since the arrival of Covid-19, 627 million American have been sickened, Mostly because Trump is a liar. As President of the United States it is his responsibility to protect us. He has done a piss poor job. The very idea that anyone would vote for this callous, selfish, egomaniac is astonishing. He doesn't care about America. He doesn't care about any of its citizens. All he cares about is power. Which is why is he running deceptive ads about Biden filled with lies. Which is why he is trying to destroy the post office and weaken our voting process. Which is why he thinks—and has always thought— our military forces are suckers for joining, and losers if they die in action.

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