Monday, September 28, 2020


 What good is a Supreme Court that gets to make decisions that the majority of Americans don't agree with, but are forced to live by?  Studies show that most Americans believe abortion should be available, so why should this magical thinking, religious zealot get to repeal Roe vs Wade? If most Americans want affordable health insurance, why should this well-to--do spoiled upper-class elitist be able to wrest it away from millions of Americans who depend on it, because it offends her personal opinion. She is supposed to make laws for America.Something is very wrong here. We have a tax-evading psychopath with a criminal record appointing a  privileged pious Bible thumper for the sole reason of punishing America's poor and middle class with possible new laws that the majority of the American people do no agree with. How is this democracy?  And aiding him in this nasty pursuit is a cadre of treasonous Republican senators. Sadly there are not four patriotic Americans among them. The Constitution requires the separation of Church and State. Abortion is a religious argument. Betsy Devos has already poisoned America with her magical thinking. Are we now to be required to live by Barretts' beliefs about an all-knowing guy in the sky?  The Supreme Court has already been tainted with the degenerate Clarence Thomas and the lying  Bret Kavanaugh. Soon we will be stuck with the sanctimonious and hypocritical Amy Coney Barrett. Why hypocritical?  If you're supposedly a good Christian woman who has taken on the responsibility of seven children, then don't walk out on them for the ego-boost of a time-consuming job that puts your children under a constant microscope.

Support for access to safe, legal abortion remains at supermajority levels, according to a poll released in June 2019 by Marist College, National Public Radio, and the PBS NewsHour.

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