Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What if?

What if Al Gore had been elected because Americans saw right away what an asshole Bush was. There would not have been a war with Iraq. Thousands of young Americans would still be alive and with their families. Thousands of others would not be blind, deaf, or crippled. Gore would have addressed climate change and made our environment safer. He would have handled Katrina better. His Secretary of State might have anticipated 9-11. He would have made us more popular in the world, not the laughingstocks that Bush made us. Without the war in Iraq, sects like Isis would never have gotten a start. Our economy would not have suffered as it did under Bush. The Tea Party wackos would never have gotten a foothold in government. Iran would still be run by a dictator, but it would be stable and all those innocent men, women and children who died horrible deaths would be alive. And why are we in this state? Because all the misguided and foolishly partisan Republicans (most of whom haven't a clue that they're really Democrats) voted for George Bush and not the best person for the job. Let's just hope they never do anything that disastrous again.

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